Chestnut-rumped Thornbill June-Dec 1 , 2 or more
Brown Thornbill June-Dec 1 or 2
Buff-rumped Thornbill
Yellow-rumped Thornbill 1, 2 or more
Brown Treecreeper Aug-Jan 1
Fuscous Honeyeater July-Dec may nest other times 1 or 2 or more
Most of our common honeyeater sp. nest as for Fuscous and produce 1 or 2 clutches, exceptions are
White-plumed June-Dec 1 or 2
Blue-faced June -Jan 1 or 2
Noisy Minor May -Dec 1 or 2
New-holland Minor also March-May 2 or 3 or more
Painted Minor Oct-Dec occasionally later depending on mistletoe fruiting
Eastern Spinebill Aug-Dec 1 or 2
Yellow-rumped Pardalote Aug-Dec 1
Spotted Pardalote Sep-Jan 1
Striated Pardalote July-Dec 1
Silvereye Aug-Jan 1, 2 more depending on food and conditions
White-winged Chough Aug-Dec 1 per bird but entire group will produce2, 3 or more per year
Masked Lapwing June-Dec, often anytime 1-3
Crested Pigeon Sep-Dec, anytime depending on rainfall 1 or more
Galah July-Dec 1 maybe 2
Long-billed Corella Aug-Dec 1
Sulphur Crested Cockatoo Aug-Jan 1
Musk Lorikeet Aug-Dec 1
Eastern Rosella Aug-Jan 1
Red-rumped Parrot July- as late as Dec 1,2 or more
Southern Boobook Owl Sep-Nov 1
Barn Owl May-Aug but will breed anytime food is abundant, often up to 3 per year. Will not breed if conditions bad
Tawny Frogmouth Aug-Nov 1 or 2
Laughing Kookaburra Sep-Dec, occas Aug & Jan 1
Sacred Kingfisher Sep-Jan 1
Welcome Swallow July-Jan up to 3
Tree & Fairy Martins July-Dec 1 or 2
Superb Fairy-wren Aug-Jan 2 or more
Aus Magpie-lark Sep-Jan, anytime 2-4
Aus Magpie June-Dec 1 or 2
Aus Raven July-Sep 1
Little Raven June-Sep 1
For breeding time of other species, please call and I will try to oblige [check bird books, many have this info], remember, this is a guide only, most birds have never read the books! Over the last 10+ years, many species breeding times have altered, we believe this is possibly due to the change in weather patterns. Sadly many birds will go into breeding mode when weather conditions are appropriate only to have the weather change drastically causing their nestling young to die.